Friday, January 30, 2009

Kenting Trip

What a great trip down to Kenting with our good friend-the Grimely; we truly cannot ask for a better company! The 4-days trip began with a Mission Impossible schedule but we made it and we all had fun! We all woke up around 4 am (all of us had late night too or no sleep at all) then we drove down to Aboriginal Village and played at the Amusement park and visited the whole nine tribes villages till around 6pm. Then more driving to Kenting, it was almost 11pm when we arrived at the B&B. We were wasted!!! The next day, we had a laid back day at the beach across from our B&B and went to the night market that was only 3 minutes away. The following day we went to Aqua Museum, which we thought we'd only take  2 hours there but it was a lot of fun and it was like we reserve the museum for the day as there weren’t many other visitors. After this, we anxiously got to a beach and we caught the most amazing sun-set there. We all simply in love with the sandy beach, the boys got to play with the sand and water and we simply enjoy the sun and listening to the waves. We got to enjoy the peacefulness that was taken away from the city busyness. I love that and glad to know that it can be regained again. I have forgotten about it after leaving Canada. Life needs to slow down so that I can appreciate and be grateful for. The last day we were all sad to leave, we visited the light house and very south tip of Taiwan so now we are set to visit very north tip of Taiwan ^^. I especially love this trip because we travelled with an amazing family. Thank you guys, you made Kenting a better place! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cooking party

I always enjoy spending girls time with this group of great gals. We had a Chinese cooking party, just in the spirit of Chinese New Year in the corner. We made some dumplings and spring rolls. They were so yummy and mostly I just had a blast cooking with them. The 13 little ones were quite cooperating, they played with each other just fine. Thanks Jen for lending us your kitchen and taking pictures for us. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My little mid-night Elf

This is Mason woke up in the middle of the night and looking like it is 6 in the morning and that he is ready to discover the world. My darling Mason is always such a smiling boy. When he fell or hurt himself in many ways, he never cries for too long. The shocking ones to me were ones he fell from the stage at the church gym. One is is flat on his rear brain. The fall was so loud that James was on the end side of the church of the clerk room and he heard the fall. It happened so fast that though there were many people in the gym but no one spotted how he fell. He was so brave and he didn’t even cry for more than 1 minute. He saw something else that caught his eyes and he ran for it. It didn’t seem like he had a bad fall but a smiling face chasing after something fun.