Ever since the 2nd year of university, I fell in love with jogging/running. I still cannot figure out what it is exactly but it is additive. According to Wikipedia, "Endophins (endo genous morphine)" are released during long, continuous workouts. Endorphins basically mean "a morphine-like substance originating from within the body. I can certainly say that I have 'happy' feelings after a good run and I always want more of it. Turns out, I have been doing "drugs." I have many amazing friends who are mothers of mutiple children and they are all great runners who are also regular attendees of marathons. They truly are my inspiration! I have not yet entered any offical run yet and I proimse myself that I will and hopefully it will next year. Until then, my family and I had our first fun 5K Run/Walk. Mason was so excited about the run and he actually ran for 1K and walked another K before he settled in the stroller with Isabelle. I think I may have found myself a running buddy. Its never too early to train one. It was such a beautiful run along the bow river and it was sure a fun family activity.
we are ready!
it was Isabelle's nap time after 2.5K
Isabelle started her run now after the race was done