Thursday, November 25, 2010

1st Family 5K Run/Walk

Ever since the 2nd year of university, I fell in love with jogging/running. I still cannot figure out what it is exactly but it is additive. According to Wikipedia, "Endophins (endo genous morphine)" are released during long, continuous workouts. Endorphins basically mean "a morphine-like substance originating from within the body. I can certainly say that I have 'happy' feelings after a good run and I always want more of it. Turns out, I have been doing "drugs."  I have many amazing friends who are mothers of mutiple children and they are all great runners who are also regular attendees of marathons. They truly are my inspiration! I have not yet entered any offical run yet and I proimse myself that I will and hopefully it will next year. Until then, my family and I had our first fun 5K Run/Walk. Mason was so excited about the run and he actually ran for 1K and walked another K before he settled in the stroller with Isabelle. I think I may have found myself a running buddy. Its never too early to train one. It was such a beautiful run along the bow river and it was sure a fun family activity.

we are ready!
it was Isabelle's nap time after 2.5K

Isabelle started her run now after the race was done

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Fun Train

I simply love Halloween and I know it doesn't mean anything but its just so much fun especially now I have children. This year Mason had made the decision on our family Halloween cutome theme. He wanted to be Peter Pan so the rest of the crew are also from Neverland. Those store sale customes are just so expansive (I miss Lacoco) so I spent hours going to different places and did some DIY and Voila! This experience encourages me to learn sewing since I can only hand-sew the customes. Nevertheless, I really had fun preparing them and we all had a blast. This Halloween fun train began at Mason's pre-school party and followed by Ghouls night out at the Heritage Park then the kids got their treats from the ward's trunk-or-treat. At last, we gave out treats to some trick-or-treater at home, Mason really screamed everytime someone rang the bell. It ended with our family Halloween dinner. Now we're excited to get ready for Christmas!

Getting their snack before getting more treat

watching Zombies dancing in thriller

with king and queen

with the bunny from Alice the wonderland

Tinker dancing away

Peter Pan asked if that apple is for Snow white

freezing pose

Wendy being attacked by a zombie

it was -3 degree so they were done after 3 hrs

ward trunk-or-treat

Mason actually insisted using a spoon

Aww..Isabelle looked so left out

lazy time before dinner, watching Halloween clips

Mason's feet are big..

Mmm..Meal in the Pumpkin