Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy Birthday~MASON!

I threw Mason a "Mickey Mouse Splash party" and I thought it will be a piece of a cake since there'll be so many products out there about Mickey but I just had to a bit picky and not use what is avaiable out there and most of them are only avaiable in the states. Hence, I had to hand-made pretty much everything. I didn't even have a mickey mouse cookie cutter for the treats because I spend over 2 hours looking for it and found out it was not avaiable in Canada. I thought now that I am back in North America, I can get everything at Walmart. NOPE. I literally spent a week every night after the kids were in bed and housework done then start doing the craft. I know it didn't seem that much stuff, why did I take that long??? Nevertheless, I get my rewards daily. Mason would come to me while I was preparing for his party and said, "thank you, mommy." He also had a blast and still asks me when is his next birthday party. I know I'll do it again and also start earlier.

a pre-party between brother and sister

Yes, I cheated on the cake, I just use candy.

Goodie bag and don't ask me what does 3 mean

sweet treats

lunch for everyone and Mason has NONE

must have the cake

Present time

surprisingly that no one fights the candy after the pinata was broken

our present to Mason-his first bike

Saturday, July 17, 2010


As toursty as Banff is, it is still undenailable that it is such a beautiful place. Banff was our first out of town trip together and who knows the second trip back to the same spot we travel in four now. Look at the mountains, how can you not be in love with the Rockies? We had a gorgeous walk around the town and had lunch by the river. Mason's favorite part certainly was playing with the gophers. They were super friedly and chubby; they were sure different the ones we see in the city. They literally played hide-and-seek with Mason and they played for over 40 minutes, we had to force Mason to go and promised him that we will come back again. How I enjoy seeing Mason love being in the nature and so fond of the animals. We still miss Taipei a lot but moments like this make everything comforting.

weekend like this..

Without a doubt, there are many things that James and I would like to do; things that seem to be privilages after having two wonderful children. Our life style certainly alter greatly and we know we would not want it any other way. Yes, we miss going to the movies weekly but then a Saturday like this beats any 5 stars movie. We had gone to the Heritage Park and it is such a fun place for all of us, there're something for each of us. It is also educational for us; we learn more about the old Alberta. There're fun rides for Mason and Isabelle. We even went to a live theather show and amazingly that both of the little ones stayed and did not move their eyes from the actors for 35 minutes. The weather was simply perfect and I truly cannot ask for more when I hear each other's laughter and smiles.

Mason, "hello, anybody there?"

Mason pumping gas for his bike

Mason's first ferris wheel ride by himself, he was very relaxed

Going back old time on the train

Daddy kind of candy store

Daddy's girl