Saturday, August 21, 2010

My bunny is THREE!

Mason~our first child~an angle comes to our family and brings more adventures to our lives~a great blessing to us~the primary reason I opened my heart and accept the gospel in my life and it has been THREE years, I hope I have captured most of the happiness Mason brings to us from heaven. Since birth, Mason always shows his strong character, he has his way to notify me what he desires and prefers. Now I can simply hear his wishes verbally and in a more forcefully manner. I especially treasure Mason being so sentalmental, he remembers family and friends to such a great extent. I suppose that is a huge part of me and I actually like that part about myself.  There is not a single day I can end without recalling him making me smile and laugh. He is full of surprises and tricks. Thank you~ Mason for 3 amazing years and try to grow slower. I LOVE you so much!

Happy Birthday~Isabelle!

Yes, I am the guility Mom! I only threw Isabelle a family party for her first birthday and we only have my brother here in cow town.  After Mason's birthday party, I was wiped out and their birthdays are only 3 days away. I promise I will start 3 months earlier next year. I think she had lots of fun with us, paying extra attention to her before Mason took away her chances. We took her to the zoo and she kept going "awooo" whenever we saw something new. I gave her a butterfly party because she is our beautiful butterfly. Happy Birthday, we love you so much!