Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lunch visit to Daddy

Mason and I went over to visit James during lunch hour down the Duan-Hwa South Road, I brought some taco salad for lunch and it was like the city center so we cannot find any park to dine and we decided to eat in the middle of the road and I mean it literally. It's a 8 lanes traffic road but there is this beautiful pathway along the road and we had our lunch there. It was unusual having a meal in the middle of the road but it was simply fun to have a family lunch in the middle of the day and in the middle of the busy Taipei road. 

Monday, April 20, 2009

Fathers & Sons Camp

Over the weekend, Mason and James went up to the mountain for their first camping trip. Its officially Mason's first camping experience. I wish I can see more pictures but the battery died on them so I can only imagine his face expression with the things he experienced there. James said that they had so much fun, he was so focus on the camp fire that he found it so fascinating that melting mush-mellow was not that attracting to him. We were worried that he may not sleep well because he is very attached to his own bed/room. Turned out, he was so beat by mid-night, he requested to go to sleep and went into the tent himself. Again, I wished there were more pictures for me to see but I supposed this part of the memory is really between father and son's. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter egg hunting

Thanks to our friend-the Headquist who again hosted the Easter party, Mason got to experience his 2nd Easter egg hunting and he actually was running for them this year instead of us carrying him. At first, he had no clue why he had to get the eggs so he got them in the basket but then immediately dumped them out. Until we showed him that there were candy in the egg, he started to hunt seriously. It was such a fun party for the adults and especially for the children. Mason was hyper for a while but it was great that he got to burn them out with other kids and some fun activities. 

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My special day

                President Walker; sister Walker; Carrie and Julie
                 In front of the temple entrance

A day I had been longing for since my baptism, I was able and worthy to receive my endowment in the temple. I was told and had prepared to be overwhelmed but the experience still took me over. After the baptism to the church, I'm truly thankful for the blessings I have received and I am amazed of how much I am having each day. After the temple visit, I simply unable to comprehend the amount that Heavenly Father loves us, there're so much more blessings for us. I am truly loved and blessed to be in the temple for the first time with so many loving friends who are all family to James and I though none of our family can be there. I thank all the angels who have led me to accept the gospel!