Sunday, March 6, 2011

my darling Pre-schooler

I truly meant to update this as soon as Mason started his first day at Preschool. Then Thanksgiving came and  followed by Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year, Valentine... Allright, I'm far behind on my family update and I promise more will be following up. Now back to the topic, my baby boy is a preschooler now. We had been debating on whether to send Mason to preschool for a while because I have been homeschooling him but then I trust every child is different and if you know Mason, you'd know that he is the kind of boy who needs and desires to be in a group and learns a lot in a group. His very first day at a prechool program, he was actually fine with us leaving him there. He loved the teacher and meeting new friends. When I picked him up after the first class, he said, "Auntie JianShin is in the class." He meant the teacher looks like my favorite little Auntie in Taipei. He no longer goes to her classes but he always asks for her and I think he just misses her auntie a lot. Winter term has began for over 2 months now, Mason really enjoys this French Immerision school; the teachers are great and small school environment. Ever since the first day, one of his teacher always comments that "Mason is exuberant." It sure sums him up well. Though it takes about 40+ minutes to drive him to the school in the morning, it is worthwhile because he is happy and learning!

 first day of parent & tot prechool

 first day of independ class

after the first day, he requested for a backpack and he chose a big one that is about half of him

favorite teacher from Fall term

1 comment:

  1. That is great that he is loving school. He is so darling!
